Friday, February 19, 2010

Federal Budget Blog Entry: Issue #2

The background of the article was about National Debt also known as Governmental Debt. The Article also talked about the US Teasury and Earmarks. This talks about the priorities like the federal budget, of congress and the president. The article aslo describes the federal budget process and how the budgeting for the government works. The Deficit is also talked about. A deficit is when the government speands more money than they take in in a year. This is one of the major reasons there is a huge national debt of about $12 trillion. Another reasono for the huge debt is due to Social Security. The governent is having a hard time trying to figure out how to budget without getting rid of other things (pay-as-you-go) or raising taxes. There are aloth of problems with the way our countries budget it run.

I think that the pay-as-you-go plan could be very benificial to our economy because it would not allow an incease in the deficit or the national debt. Even though this plan does not lower the debt right away, i believe that it could potentially lower it because then people are more aware of their money and spendings so eventually we would lessen our national debt.

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