Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Autopsy: SeaWorld trainer died from drowning, traumatic injuries

On february 24th a whale worker, named Dawn Brancheau, was working with a whale named Tilikum when the whale grabbed her by her ponytail and pulled her under the water. For a long while people thought that she died from the whale killing her but a recent autopsy showed something different. The autopsy showed that she died of drowning and taumatic body injuries on her spine, ribs and head. She ended up with fractures on her jawbone, ribs and to her cervical vertebra.

I found this to be a very sad story. This lady had been working with this whale for a long time. It is interesting how animal's behaviors can change so unexpectedly. I wonder what happened to the whale and why the whale decided to grab her and drag her under the water. That would make for an interesting research. To research how animals think and what they think about and why they do some of the things they do.

$250 million for abstinence education not evidence-based, groups say

The new health care plan not only talks about insurance coverage but also sex and abstinence and sex ed. This is a part of the plan where $50 million per year will be used for sex ed classes. Obama thinks that this will help prevent pregnancy in teens and prevent STD's. This $50 million per year will end up being $250 million dollars over a 5 year period which is the estimated length for this program to be running.

I think this is a good thing to put in the bill. It may or may not help with the spread of STD's and the teen pregnancys. I, personally think it is a good idea but really don't know how effective it will be. I think that no matter what the government does and no matter how many times teachers tell kids not to have sex, there are still going to be those teens and young adults who will have sex. There will always be people who will do things even when told not to and told all the consequences which is really sad.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Teens arrested after party causes $45,000 damage to house

An 18 year old boy was left with some neighboors while his parents went to France. He and the neighboors were left with keys to the house and orders to keep an eye on the place. The son was encouraged to have a party at his house by a juvenile and soon after more than 100 people were at the house. After the party everyone left the house with over $45,000 in damage. None of the damage was reported until 2 days later. A police officer from East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, said, "I've never seen anything like it in my career." There was blood, urine and food all over the floors and holes in the walls.

This is an interesting story because of all the crazy things that can happen at parties. I could not believe that no one reported the mess for 2 days and that over $45,000 worth of damage could have been accumulated during one party.

At Least 10 Killed in Kentucky Wreck

On Friday morning there was a deadly crash on Interstate 65 in Kentucky. At least 10 people were killed. Between 5:30 and 6 o'clock in the morning a tractor-trailer crossed the median and hit a massenger van head on. Most of the 10 people that died were in the van. The crash occured about 40 miles Northwest of the city of Bowling Green, near Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky.

i thought this story was interesting because of how many people were killed. you wouldn't generally think a 2 car crash would end with 10 or more people killed. This is a very tragic thing. I feel for the families of the people who died and hope that the crash was not caused becasue of unsafe driving or someone being under the influence of any type of chemical.

Health Care

I don't know what i think about the health care plan and i really don't know all that much about it. I have been told that it is not going to be a good thing for our generation but will be good for the older generations in our country. That is about all i know about the health care plan.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Grandson finds Grandfather's killer after more than 40 years"

The Grandson of Clarence Pellet accidentally found his grandfather's killer when looking through and organizing old family pictures and memorabilia. The killer was Frank Dryman. Clem Pellet, Clarence's grandson, found Clarence's killer by complete accident. He was looking through his grandfather's old things and found a weird connection between him and Frank Dryman, a drifter. They brought there findings to investigators and arrested Dryman in Canada for the murder of Clarence Pellet.

I found this story to be very interesting because i like the crime and investigation shows. It kind of reminded me of Cold Case. I think it is good that the famiy can finally get official closer

"Bank Robbery Suspect calls Ahead with demand for cash"

On Tuesday March 23rd, a People's Bank in Fairfield Connecticut was robbed, but before the robbery occured the strangest thing happened. A man called the bank demanding $100,000 in large bills be ready for him when he arrived. The man who recieved the call, after hanging up, quickly called 911 and ordered a lock down of the bank. Before the lock down occured though, the callers accomplice was in the building. He got avout $900 and quickly went out the door. When he stepped out the door he was greeted by cops. He soon resorted to running towards his partners car. Both men were soon arrested and the money returned to the bank.

This is an interesting story because the robbers called before they were actually going to rob the bank. I don't think that is the most intellegent way to rob a bank, but that is just me.