Wednesday, March 31, 2010

$250 million for abstinence education not evidence-based, groups say

The new health care plan not only talks about insurance coverage but also sex and abstinence and sex ed. This is a part of the plan where $50 million per year will be used for sex ed classes. Obama thinks that this will help prevent pregnancy in teens and prevent STD's. This $50 million per year will end up being $250 million dollars over a 5 year period which is the estimated length for this program to be running.

I think this is a good thing to put in the bill. It may or may not help with the spread of STD's and the teen pregnancys. I, personally think it is a good idea but really don't know how effective it will be. I think that no matter what the government does and no matter how many times teachers tell kids not to have sex, there are still going to be those teens and young adults who will have sex. There will always be people who will do things even when told not to and told all the consequences which is really sad.

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