Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jobs and Welfare Blog Entry

Issue #1 talked about "All Things Being Unequal". This issue talked about the increase in difference between the lower class and the higher classes. The gap between the classes has increase dramatically since 1979. The percent of households in the upper class has increased from 45.4% to 53.5% and the percentage of income for lower classes has decreased form 5.8% to 4.1% since 1979. These percents show how much the gap between classes has grown dramatically. This issue also talks about if the wages should be created equal to lessen the gap between the classes. It said that if this is done it will create less motivation and that the difference in salaries and distace between classes is good for the economy. The increase betweeen classes is ppartial due to outsourcing. one way that this can be fixed is by Creating Wealth.

I think that it would be a good idea to make the wages for the classes more even. This would prevent people from being evicted and would make many things easier and mor affordable for everyone. Even though the difference between classes helps the economy, I think the government should take more care of all the citizens not just the high class ones.

Issue #2
Issue #3

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